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**Please forgive me for not having photos posted to my profile. I do have photos, but I have had trouble getting them to upload. The site is working with me to get them setup. But, to be honest, I kind of like the idea that you actually have to read about me instead of choosing me from a bunch of photos.** When I send you a Virtual Smile, let it be understood that it is my way of acknowledging and approving of you. I will send you several to see if you reciprocate in kind. That lets me know you are looking for something serious with me. Warmest salutations and welcome to my profile! You might see me on this site at different times of the day because I check in at least three times a day, but I can usually reciprocate and communicate around the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the month. If you want to meet me and introduce yourself, those days are when you need to do it. If we are chatting and suddenly I leave the chat, don't fret. That just means my credits have run out. The site will boot me out of chat automatically when my credits end, so wait about 5 minutes to see if I return. I will never deliberately leave the chat without telling you good bye. I respect you more than that, In some cases, I may not be able to return to the chat because I can't afford to buy more credits. If this ever happens, I'm really very sorry that this happened, but there is nothing more I can do. The site demands payment in order to use its functions. Most of you may know my face from various other popular dating sites. I seem to be a favorite among international dating sites like this. Maybe it's because I resonate with hearts of women's desires? I'm just a guy that knows what he wants out of life and has a plan on how to get it. I also know what women want and how to give it to them. I have the utmost respect for all women. I won't discriminate against you for any reason like age, appearance, experience, distance, children, language barrier, income, job, what country you come from or your past. I won't let anything deter me from having a meaningful and purposeful relationship with you. I am determined to find my love here on this site. I am completely open to anybody that wants to meet and have a relationship with me. Despite my financial limitations, I try very hard to stay in contact with those that I have a connection with. It's not always easy and I do get griped at a lot because of how slow things get done. It is beyond my control. All I ask for is your understanding and patience. I am not ignoring anyone. I commit all names, faces and conversations to my heart; you are not forgotten although it may seem that way at times. If you are tired of things on a site and thinking of leaving, please don't leave this site until we've had the opportunity to speak or at least let me know you are leaving. One conversation is all we could need to change our lives forever. I am a very curious creature by nature. I enjoy getting to know new and interesting people. And I have a great desire to see the world, experience new cultures, landscapes, climates and cuisine. My current life is small and sad. It is uninteresting and uneventful; almost like I am living in limbo. Every day seems to go the same as the day before. The opportunity I have been waiting for has not happened yet in my life that will allow me break free from the comforts of my home, city or country to truly allow me to be reborn, live my life as I see fit and finally free. This is something I desperately need or my spirit will die soon. This is where you come in and play your part. There is so much more to me than meets the eye. I had a pretty good childhood. I grew up in a good, Christian home with loving parents. I did good in grade school. I had a handful of friends from school and church that I would go have sleepovers with on the weekends. We used to pack up the camper trailer and go camping year-round. We used to love going to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, Tennessee in The Great Smoky Mountains around the Christmas holidays, usually around the end of November when they would light up the whole city in Christmas lights and decorations. I think this was probably my favorite childhood event and the thing I looked the most forward to. Sometimes we would go solo or bring some friends along. It was always memorable either way. Christmas Day at home always started with the reading of the Christmas Story from the Bible and then we got to open our presents. Back then, I liked Transformers, LEGOs, G.I. Joe, Ninja Turtles and He-man. It was the 80's of course. Even to this day, I still have an affinity to those toys as a collector. My teenage years were probably the worst part of my life. My dad got more strict and started expecting a more mature son which put a lot of pressure on me. And like most teenagers, I revolted driving a wedge between us. I got involved with the wrong crowd at school and it changed me. I became lazy and no longer cared about my school work among other things. All I wanted to do was have fun. My father took it upon himself to become an enforcer and make me do better with ultimatums and punishment. It never worked and I only resented him more. I honestly never knew if he genuinely loved me. His actions towards me definitely didn't show any love. He expected me to have a job at 15 and maintain it. That didn't happen because I couldn't find a job that I liked and wanted to stay with. I did try. You would have to know how my dad was raised in order to understand why he is the way he is. I never did drugs or smoked, but he cause me to start drinking lightly and I got into some seriously bad stuff that I'm not proud of. Let's just say that my "life" could have been much worse. My twenties are kind of a blur or deliberately tried to forget them. I never finished college because I made the mistake of going straight out of high school instead of taking a year off to unwind. I ended up becoming burnt out very quickly and dropped out. Of course my dad was still on my case constantly expecting me to pull a full time job, go the school and make good grades which I didn't see how it was possible. I never had any time. I think this was probably around the time that he was "falling out of love" with my mom or had already left. By the time I was 30, I started to regret the choices I had made in my life. My eyes had been opened to the real world and learned how unforgiving it is. If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would do things very differently and put forth an effort. it was truly a low point in my life. I no longer had any friends because they considered me a burden, even though, I would have taken a bullet for any of them. I don't think they would have done the same, so I can't honestly say they were true friends. They just simply stopped having anything to do with me. They stopped including me in their lives. They never wrote or called anymore. And I resented it. That in itself took it's toll on me. I get along with people and can make friends quite easily. I just fear a repeat of what my "friends" did to me. To my great misfortune, I ended up being diagnosed with a rare and very deadly disease known as Addison's Disease. This disease made the two other two I had, Diabetes and Thyroid Disease, all that more serious. What Addison's does is stops your body from producing the hormone Cortisol (adrenaline); the very thing that gives a person energy. It also suppresses the immune system and keeps it from working properly. Without this particular hormone, your heart will stop and minute later cause your brain to suffocate and start the process of organ failure. Without adrenaline you will become sluggish, light-headed, dizzy, tired all the time, worn out from simple tasks, and overall feeling of lifeless like I have no energy at all. Because of Addison's Disease, I end up in the hospital at least once a year. I consider myself lucky if I can keep myself out of the hospital or the ER at all. It's hard to leave my city not because of friends or family, but because I have a pharmacy and hospital close by. Things I must forever have in my life. I can't just move away without these things. If I am to move away with you, we need to have a well-thought out plan. I think more than ever that I ended up losing all of my friends because of my illnesses and dependencies. In 2005, my mother, being the over-protective woman that she is, got me put on Disability and Social Security. This is a double edged sword. This means the government determines your worth based on the state you live in and how much you worked before you became "disabled." Then the government will issue a VERY low-income monthly check to pay for your individual monthly expenses. It's not enough to live on or it is if you have no other expenses and use it strictly to survive. This is why I am only able to chat one day out of the month. It's simply too expensive to do. The worst part about being on Disability is, I can't work or have a job because it states you are physically unable to work, which I'm not. My disability is not physical. If I wanted to try and make money for myself; even a dollar more, I can lose it all: my medical insurance, my monthly check, any benefits I have and never be able to get them back. It's a real predicament. I got married at the age of 30 in July 2007 to a woman name Ginny, that became the only other person in my life. I knew I was getting older and still wanted a family of my own, so I married her. It wasn't an ideal marriage, but we made it work the best we could for three and a half years until her "sudden" change. I did love her, and her son, who was from another relationship. It turned out that her son's biological father was the very man she used to cheat on me with. She had a lot of problems which I found out later in the marriage. She had some mental issues, phobias and a lot of self esteem problems because of her being grossly overweight. So you see, I didn't marry her for her looks. When she started to change, I fought to keep her because I believe marriage is sacred. I took my wedding vows seriously. Divorce was never a option for me, especially after seeing what it did to my parents. I did not want to become another statistic! When she changed, my world came crashing down in less than a day and I lost everything I held dear and cherished. I will sapre you the dark details unless you ask. We separated in November 2011, the darkest days of my life. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep and I was a complete nervous wreck. I had no desire to do anything. All I could think of was what they were doing. I was in my very own personal Hell on Earth! I was forced to divorce her in February 2012. I hope that being completely honest and truthful about my past has not scared you away yet. Yes, I have had a hard life. Harder than most. But, I overcame these difficulties, learned my lessons and grew wiser in the process. Let me introduce the new and improved me! There is so much more to me. To start with I will state my intentions as for why I am here on this site. I came here to find the love of my life. I gave up a long time ago on ever finding love with American girls. They are nothing like me. All they care about are appearances, money and how good you make them look. I have no interest in people like that. Not long after I discovered online dating and all the Slavic and European dating sites. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first site I checked out, but because of these sites it fueled a passion in my soul that has not gone out even to this day. I liked the idea of having to get to know a person first rather than basing things on looks or money. Personally, I find people like that beneath me. Then, I discovered online dating. It gave me a way for people to get to know me without scrutiny or judgment. Then, I discovered dating abroad and found the Slavic culture which I fell in love with. These were women that had the same personality and character traits I was looking for! Hey! How's it going? My name is Jeremy Sylvester. I live in Florence, Alabama in the United States. I consider myself a unique individual that has something for everyone and you shouldn't wait to get to know me better. I am not shy and can be quite entertaining if the moment calls for it. I am known as a Sigma Male which is according to Psychology is the rarest male personality type. It is said that I am part of 0.01% of all males in the world. They are also the most desired by the women of the world. This actually makes a lot of sense if you have ever had the opportunity to speak with me. I am confident in my ability to win your heart. I know you will like me. I am a down-to-earth, relaxed and care-free gentleman who sees beauty in all things, including people. Everyone is beautiful in some way through my eyes. I try to see the world in bright colors and how we can better it while we are here. I am also a total romantic. I like all things that display a sense of romance. I am kind, gentle, polite, tender, warm, refreshing, welcoming, funny, loving, caring, affectionate, open-minded, optimistic, understanding, communicative, compassionate, empathetic, sincere, honest, truthful, thoughtful, reliable, trustworthy, respectful, patient, forgiving, faithful, loyal, selfless, protective, brave, courageous, passionate and spontaneous. I like to play video games. I am a Gamer and I have an expensive gaming computer that is decked out in rainbow colors. Just ask if you want to see it. I listen to music. I literally spend all day listening to music. I have very eclectic tastes. Look my name up on YouTube and you can listen to my playlists. I don't watch television anymore, but I do watch movies. I like Science Fiction, Action and RomComs the most, but I can watch anything. I like to draw I can draw anything I see. It is a natural talent that I've had since I was five years old. I like going to the parks in my city just to be outdoors and in nature. I also enjoy watching the children play on the playgrounds. I like to exercise and workout. I used to workout all the time back in high school. I am just now starting back to the gym after a twenty-five year hiatus. I need a Fitness Trainer if you would like to help me. I like to go on trips and travel. One of greatest passions is to travel the world exploring new cultures and ways of life with my loved one in hand. I have seen so little of my country and never been abroad. I'm not afraid to show my feelings and emotions. To show emotion only makes you more human. I'm a believer in love at first sight. I believe the eyes are windows to the soul. I believe that true beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I am also a believer that love can happen at any age and any where. You just have to look for it. I am a peaceful man with a mild temperament. It takes a lot to get me angry. I will never hurt you physically, mentally or verbally. I deplore violence of any kind especially to that of a human or animal. I absolutely love animals and children. I will not tolerate the harm or abuse to either. I like all animals. I have three cats. They are my babies. And yes, I do sweettalk them. I'm looking for a real and serious relationship with someone that will eventually lead to marriage. I am not picky about who that could be. I'll accept you wholely; the good and the not-so-good. I will not play games with you or waste your time if I see its not working out. I am a man of my word and I try very hard to keep my promises. I'm a man of action rather than words and I look for the same mentality in a woman. I do not drink, smoke or do recreational drugs. I have never been interested in such things. I care very much for your comfort and well-being when it comes to breaking the ice. I know it can be hard sometimes. You don't know what to say or how to react, so I may heavily flirt with you or use humor to get you more comfortable with me. I do have a pretty good sense of humor, but it's at its best in person. I do have experience in making love and I know several different ways of pleasing a woman. That does not mean I am looking for sex or that sex is the first thing on my mind when we meet. I like public displays of affection and I am not opposed to kissing, hugging, holding hands, cuddling, touching, caressing or making love. Anything goes on a first date with me unless you object. I promise I will respect your wishes and be a perfect gentleman. I do things like open the door for you, seat you at the table, stand when you need to go to the powder room or give you my coat if you are cold. If you would like to go on a date with me, we can, although I don't know how that would work online. I expect a real meeting if we are to become more than friends. It is my only stipulation. I don't want a virtual romance. I've tried them. They never last. All it takes is one meeting and you're welcome to stay as long as you want. This is where I want you to make a decision. I don't like making demands, but this could be the moment you have been looking for and I need you to make a decision. Do you want to be with me or not? Yes or no? It's time to be an adult and leave your comfort zone. This will be the only opportunity I will give you or you'll be wrote off as "not ready." If you want to meet me, I am completely open to meetings, but I must insist that you make your plans to come to visit me in my city. Afterwards, we can meet anywhere. First impressions are very important to me. I want our first meeting to be a memorable one. I am open to suggestions for things to do or things you like doing. I was taught to love unconditionally and therefore I will not judge you based on your appearance, your age, your height, your weight, your financial status, the language you speak, where you live or your sexual experience. However, I must insist that only women under the age of 45 contact me, unless you would like to be friends because i don't want to leave anybody alone.
My final word to you is very important. I need you to comprehend and understand this. I NEED to be in a stable, working relationship before my mother dies! She is getting older, becoming more feeble and is not in the best of health. This means you and I need to physically be together before this happens. THIS IS DETRIMENTAL FOR MY SURVIVAL! I know I am not a perfect person and you will hear that directly from my lips, but do I sound like the perfect person for you? I try very hard to improve myself on a daily basis. Things likes etiquette, manners, behaviors, gentlemanly qualities and how to be romantic. I can't always reciprocate, but I try my best with what I have. I thoroughly enjoy reading your letters and seeing the photos you send to me. It makes me feel like I'm a part of your everyday life. You can talk to me about anything. I will not judge you. I am a very attentive listener, I communicate well and I'm great at keeping secrets. You can trust me completely without the fear of having those secrets betray you. |
Ideal match description: |
My desire is to meet you in person, become close, fall in love and get married. I thoroughly enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. I want to be friends with everybody! Just because I don't have friends anymore, doesn't mean I can't make new ones. I simply haven't tried. My divorce was long and hard. it took me a long time to feel like I could trust again. Since that time, a decade had passed and my lifestyle changed. I started focusing more on myself and healing. I started keeping to my self and become somewhat of a homebody. My mother calls me a "hermit that stays in his cave" and for the most part she's probably right. I am ready to break out of my shell again. Now, at this point in my life, I am purely focused on finding love again. I had it once and it was incredible to say the least! I don't get shy, get scared or worry about meeting new people. Actually, I am right the opposite. I am always happy, excited and eager to meet someone new. I will open myself up to you and be warm, inviting and approachable. Which is who I am anyway. No false pretenses. From there, we can open a dialogue or do anything you want. Most people like to take a walk. I like to conject some humor in or flirt a bit to ease your tension and calm your nerves Your comfort is very important to me and making a good first impression. When I chat, I like to use my webcam and talk to you in video chat, this is only an option of course. I feel like it can bring us closer and let us have a more intimate acquaintance. Everyone that I talk to has a special place in my heart. I know it's hard to maintain contact and develop a serious relationship with only twelve days to talk out of the whole year. Sounds hopeless doesn't it? I apologize. I'm doing the best I can with what I have to work with. That is why we need to meet as soon as possible. A meeting is A MUST! My goal on any dating site is to have a short correspondence, fall in love and leave this site. I look for someone who is seriously wanting a relationship that will eventually lead to marriage and a family. The logical step after meeting online is meeting in person. There I can show you what a real gentleman is like. This is what God's perfect creation looks like to me. I see her with kind eyes, a gentle smile and a glowing soul. She brings light and all the colors of the rainbow into my life. She can melt my heart in an instant with her smile. She can literally change the mood in a room just by stepping into it. She is a strong, independent woman when it comes to work, but her home is her treasured and desired place. She loves her family and he greatest desire is to be with them. Her eyes shine in the sunlight and shimmer in the moonlight. In those eyes, she shows love, compassion, affection and desire. When our eyes meet, my heartbeat fastens and I become weak in the knees. She holds so much presence and prestige. When she touches me, she emblazons a passion and desire within me that is impossible to describe. When she sits and brushes her hair, I can't help but watch and want to kiss her sweet neck. When she bathes, I want to join her and wash and caress her beautiful form. When we make love, we become one whole and it is truly indescribable, like Heaven on Earth. When we are in public, I will proudly hold her close or hold her hand. I am not afraid of showing affection in public. She is God's perfect creation for me. She is the air I breathe. The fire in my bosom. The reason I live. I am truly alive when I am with her. She is my best friend, my life partner, my confidante, my better half, my caretaker, my purpose, my responsibility, my lover, my rock and support. We are alike and yet different. We are similar in characteristics and personality, but also different. Our interests and hobbies are alike. She does not have to be perfect according to the world's standards, only perfect to me. She likes to stay in peek shape with exercise, sports and gym time, because of this, she has a lean, sexy, muscular form which drives me wild. She prefers natural beauty over "fake" or "enhanced" beauty. She isn't obsessed with her beauty or her clothing. Her imperfections are what make her perfect. I'm not looking for a Barbie doll and sadly, I have seen a lot of them on this site. She may have a few small tattoos, but her body is not to be covered in them. She may have traditional piercings, such as, the ears, the belly button and possibly a nose stud. I'm not into nose rings or brow piercings. I want my lady to be perceived as a lady. I am an old-fashioned style gentleman. I never converted to the new worldly standards and rules of life. I don't agree with them and I'm not going to change who I am because someone says i have to. I believe in there only being a man and a woman. Anything else is considered and abomination to God according to His Word, so I'm not looking for anything LGBTQ+ or an open marriage or relationship. I am a Christian man who believes what the Bible says and is made to love a single woman. If this comes across offensive or upsets you, then maybe you need to move on. I'm not here to play game with you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask them. I will answer honestly and truthfully.
As far as hobbies and interests are concerned, I have a plethora of interests. She must have an open mind to video games and at least try them out. This is how I focus and relax. They have always been a big part of my life. I'm sure you will come to enjoy them. I like to travel, go camping and just be outdoors. I haven't been able to do this in a while, but I hope you will have the same passion that I do when we can. I have an interest in cooking and almost went to culinary school in college. I'm not very good, but I hope this is something we can share together. I like being in nature, but then there are moments that I just want to stay home. I look for a versatile lady that can do both and be comfortable at home reading a good book, watching a movie, playing a game, watching the sunset, or just spending quality time together at home. I don't know who you are yet, but I have an idea of what you're like and this excites me. I am ready to meet you, look into your eyes and fall in love. |